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    Cyber security, an opportunity for executives

    Digitization of organizations, cloud computing, cyber security … it is just a small listing of the trends of this moment. The world of IT is changing rapidly. Almost every day we are seeing new innovations, all leading to a world of enormous opportunities. But also to a world with new, emerging threats.

    The use of cloud computing, Big Data and mobile devices to further automate and digitize business processes is enabling organizations to create even more value for themselves. The downside of this increasing digitization is that organizations become increasingly dependent on these technologies and that these technologies are vulnerable. The last year, we have seen a big increase in the number of incidents related to the use of these technologies. Recognizing this big increase, organizations can no longer deny the existence of cybercrime. This recognition can also, finally, be found at board level.

    I am getting more and more questions from members of the boards of directors of large enterprises on the topic of cyber security. I am very pleased to see that the topic of cyber security is addressed at the right level, and no longer only recognized within the IT function. In my vision, dealing with cyber security only within in the IT function is not the way to go.

    In all meetings with executives, they not only show an interest in the ins and outs of cyber security, they are very curious to understand what their role is in this field. For that reason, our publications about cyber security are mainly intended for executives, but alos for CIOs and others working in IT. You can expect more from us on this topic.

    John Hermans


    Responsible for KPMG cyber security services