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    SAP Special: Enabling SAP Value

    In times where it seems almost impossible to keep up with emerging technologies, many organizations find it sometimes impossible to keep up with the changing market or society demands. In order to meet the expectations of fast-moving markets where consumers are connected 24/7, organizations are leveraging emerging technologies in order to meet these demands.

    In the journey to connectivity, availability and mobility, organizations deploy the potential of technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, robotics process automation, machine learning, Internet of Things, blockchain, you name it. However, at the core, ERP systems still remain the cornerstone.

    SAP, as the market leader in ERP software, goes a long way in providing solutions for these business needs by supporting, optimizing and integrating the business processes. With these market demands and emerging technologies, organizations are amongst others challenged to enhance their existing ERP systems with new technologies.

    This Compact edition highlights several emerging technologies/cases, currently being explored (from SAP and other vendors – both on-premise or in Cloud) which impact the ERP domain: from blockchain to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to S/4HANA-related developments. Client cases about common challenges with SAP and how these were resolved with innovative solutions are described as well.

    We thank all authors for their time and effort in writing these articles.

    We are convinced that these new technologies will provide added value to organizations in the long term: either as an essential investment to accelerate operations or, more importantly, to potentially gain competitive advantage.

    Enjoy this SAP edition!


    As Compact regularly feature articles on SAP developments, we have summarised previous articles of the last few years in this Cumulative section.

    Combining ERP and Smart Tech solutions to automate business processes [2018/2]

    N. Hofman MSc & P. Bijker MSc

    This article shows how to leverage Smart Tech solutions by using ERP systems in order to automate and digitize business processes, illustrated by means of an end-to-end case study.

    A practical view on SAP Process Control [2017/4]

    D.A. Kimball BBA & S. van der Giesen MSc

    This article provides insight into the key functionalities of SAP Process Control. For each of the areas of interest within this GRC tooling, the article describes practical tips and considerations that could help to optimize the use of SAP Process Control.

    SAP S/4HANA and key risk management components and considerations [2017/3]

    Drs. G.A. de Roest RE, drs. A. Biewenga & drs. J.S. Steenstra

    SAP S/4HANA is currently an intensively debated subject among IT, SAP and Finance experts. This article provides insights into key risk management considerations within SAP S/4HANA migration projects.

    Template rollout for international ERP implementations [2017/2]

    B. Luka MSc & B. Ozkale MSc

    The risks and success criteria to address those risks are explained for on-premise ERP solutions, as well as cloud.

    ERP Data Migration [2017/1]

    Drs. A Biewenga & R. Akça, MSc

    This article emphasizes the importance of an ERP data migration by outlining the concept, the need and the value of data migration of transactions and tables.

    SAP landscape security: three common misconceptions [2016/3]

    M.J. Sprengers MSc & R. van Galen MSc GPEN

    SAP is an attractive target for cyber attacks, both malicious insiders and external actors, aiming to attack critical business processes. It is clear that an integral and thorough approach is desirable to adequately secure your SAP landscape.

    Companies do not sufficiently succeed in profiting from ERP innovations [2015/SPECIAL]

    Drs. G.A. de Roest RE

    Companies do not maximize the potential profit from the innovations that ERP software can bring. Under pressure to make savings on IT costs, companies generally tend to hold on to existing ERP applications and neglect their further optimization.

    Security challenges associated with SAP HANA [2015/4]

    T. Schouten MSc RE CISSP CISA & J. Stölting Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf.

    The authors discuss the security implications associated with SAP HANA, a SAP technology specifically related to in-memory performance technologies.

    Is our ERP landscape ready for the future? [2015/2]

    M.W. Scheurwater MSc, O. Schouten MSc & S. Eilander MSc

    A limited number of organizations have succeeded in establishing an ERP landscape that supports their business in an effective and efficient way. In this article a model is presented which enables the CIO to validate the future readiness of the ERP landscape.

    A structured approach to reducing SAP complexity [2013/3]

    A.A. van Dijke & R. Scheele

    Unrewarded complexity in your SAP environment hurts. Organizations that manage complexity in their SAP environment adequately can become more agile and cost effective.

    Successful multi-country ERP definition and deployment [2013/3]

    E.M. Peeters MSc RE & O. Schouten MSc

    Our practice learned that harvesting benefits in the timing, cost and quality domain is possible when a careful planned out program is followed.

    Continuous Auditing & Monitoring (CA/CM): how to overcome hesitation and achieve success [2013/3]

    K. Klein Tank MSc RE, L.A. Scherrenburg MSc RE & M.A.P. op het Veld MSc RE

    This article describes the main outcomes of a CA/CM survey, a CA/CM success story and important lessons learned for a CA/CM implementation.

    Establishing a Tax Control Framework: the utility and necessity of IT [2011/SPECIAL]

    Drs. G.A. de Roest RE, drs. M.R. van den Brink, drs. S. Janssen RE & W.T.B. Peters RE RA

    The Dutch Tax Administration has developed a new approach to supervise tax paying organizations. A vital element in this is the “Tax Control Framework”. This article will clarify why it is helpful and necessary to apply IT and ERP-systems when setting up a TCF.

    Is uw ERP-beheerorganisatie daadwerkelijk klaar voor de toekomst? [2016/2]

    A. Pennenburg MSc, C.L. Wijma MSc & M.W. Scheurwater MSc

    Uit een rondgang die de auteurs in het kader van dit artikel hebben gemaakt, komt naar voren dat veel ERP-beheerorganisaties moeite hebben adequaat te reageren op veranderingen.

    Creëren van business value met SAP HANA [2013/3]

    A.K. Boor MSc & drs. B. Coolen RE

    SAP HANA is een nieuw BI/database-product om grote hoeveelheden data mee te analyseren. In dit artikel verkennen we de mogelijkheden van SAP HANA en geven we concrete voorbeelden op welke manier HANA kan worden ingezet om waarde te genereren.

    SAP Competence Centers op weg naar het jaar 2020 [2013/3]

    A.S.M. de Goeij MSc RE & T.C. van Dijk BBA

    Van SAP Competence Centers wordt verwacht dat ze bewerkstelligen dat de bestaande complexe SAP-omgevingen stabiel en beschikbaar zijn op een zo laag mogelijk kostenniveau. Dit artikel beschrijft het spanningsveld op weg naar het jaar 2020.

    Access Control-applicaties voor SAP [2013/3]

    A.M. van der Zon MSc, drs. I. Spruit MSc & J.G. Schutte MSc

    Dit artikel gaat in op de voordelen van Access Control-applicaties en geeft een aantal succesfactoren voor de implementatie van ‘geïntegreerde’ AC-applicaties voor SAP.

    SAP Basis Security – de kroonjuwelen te grabbel [2013/3]

    T. Schouten MSc RE CISSP CISA & ir. J. Kunis RE

    Er zijn veel nieuwe risico’s geïntroduceerd door de implementatie van ERP-systemen als SAP. Uit onderzoek en in de praktijk blijken deze risico’s vaak onvoldoende te worden gemitigeerd.

    Macht en belang bij ERP-implementaties [2009/2]

    Drs. J.P. Hoogstra RE & drs. N. Knotters

    De Quality Assurance-rol wordt beschreven en aangegeven in hoeverre deze rol aandacht moet en kan schenken aan de factoren macht en belang.

    Auditing van single client ERP [2008/3]

    Drs. D. Hallemeesch & drs. R. van den Heuvel

    In dit artikel gaan wij in op het fenomeen single client ERP-systeem en geven we een toelichting op de belangrijkste aandachtspunten.

    Belastingen in ERP-systemen: worden de (on)-mogelijkheden wel onderkend? [2007/1]

    A.T.M. Zegers, drs. ing. S.R.M. van den Biggelaar RE & drs. S. Janssen RE

    Hoofdlijnen van de diverse soorten belastingen die relaties hebben met ERP-systemen, en een aantal cases op het gebied van BTW, douane en tax efficient supply chain.

    ‘In control’ maturity grid ERP [2003/1]

    Drs. P.C.V. Waldenmaier RE RA & M.A.P. op het Veld MSc RE

    In dit artikel worden de relevante beheersingsaspecten beschreven en een aantal handreikingen gedaan om deze aspecten op een gestructureerde wijze inzichtelijk te maken.

    Early warnings worden bij ERP-projecten te vaak genegeerd [2002/2]

    Drs. H.E. Sijbring RE RA & drs. P.J. Mancham RE RA

    In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op een aantal early warnings bij ERP-projecten vanaf het selectietraject tot en met het in beheer nemen van een ERP-systeem.