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    Technological progress: People or Robot Driven?

    Board members and CIOs get somewhat nervous if there isn’t a digital transformation underway. Everyone is embarking on their digitization endeavour: what is our organization already doing or going to do soon? Digital transformation means something different to different organizations and different people. For instance, does the transformation change the business model of an organization drastically or do parts of the operating model have to be adjusted; in other words, old wine in new bottles? And above all, will it improve customer experience, vendor integration in the supply chain, internal services to employees, or all the above?

    The consequence of interpreting digital transformation in various ways is that in the market some ‘digital transformations’ are just straight-forward e-business projects, whereby it remains unclear what really has been transformed. This raised the question about the difference with a previous phase of digitization and e-business in the second half of the nineties.

    However, whatever the type of digital transformation your organization is commencing or going through, we think that any transformation foundation should be people-driven, even though the key components of your transformation project centres around digitizing processes and applying SMAC (Social Media, Analytics & Cloud), straight-through processing, robotics process automation and other technical innovations.

    Therefore, the articles in this edition focus on the trilogy ‘people, process and technology’ of transformation projects. The subjects range from intelligent automation (does the antithetical exist?), low-code development and robotics to supply chain optimization, process mining and agile at scale. Furthermore, the role of the Chief Digital Officer and the workforce of the future will be discussed.

    We hope you will be inspired by the contents of this edition and the other digital transformation articles on

    Good luck on your transformation journey!