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Ir. J.A.M. Donkers RE

is active as an independent program manager, advisor and auditor. He does this with the experience of a 25 year career at KPMG where he has operated as lead partner for a number of customers and, among other things, was editor-in-chief of Compact. In addition, he has fulfilled various quality, management and director’s roles during his career. Currently, he is particularly active in the area of complex change projects and associated technology issues.

Articles and contributions

Digitalization and beyond: everything revolves around the pace of change

- Digitalization refers to “the adoption or increase in use of digital or computer technology by an organization, industry, country, etc.”...

How can we stay relevant?

- If I ask you to predict how the deployment of IT within your organization will develop, how far into the...

Digitalization and Beyond

December 2015 - There are a number of advantages of being the editor-in-chief. An important one is that I have influence on the...

Forward Thinking

October 2013 - Anyone looking back at the past can see how radically the world has changed, and also how quickly these changes...

Why CIO’s should make themselves obsolete

October 2013 - The role and position of the CIO have been under debate ever since IT arose. The importance of IT, (big)...


December 2011 - It is with great pleasure that I write the preface for this international Compact special. KPMG IT Advisory has published...

Project Reviews

February 2001 - The scope and impact of ICT projects are increasing rapidly. Good examples are the many extensive e-Business projects that have...


December 2015 - On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Compact, already several years ago, I concluded that at this time it...


April 2015 - It is hard to predict what the near future of ICT will look like. We need to realize that nowadays...

From the Editor-in-chief

October 2013 - If I ask you to predict how the deployment of IT within your organization will develop, how far into the...

From the editor-in-chief

February 2013 - For almost 40 years this magazine has brought you the reflections of specialists on IT developments in the fields of...

From the editor-in-chief

December 2012 - Last year’s enthusiastic response worldwide to our international Compact special was the impulse for us to publish an international edition...